Background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..


Since I had just come off of a deload week, my next block of training will be focused on building a base and some general preparation...

GPP Week1: DE upper -April 13th-Monday

Warm up-general
1. Stepper

Warm up-specific
2a. 3 x 20 face-pull with spud strap
2b. 3 x failure push-up

3. Speed bench, straight weight, feet up, 3 grips
9 x 3 x 95lbs

4a. db incline -25 lb DB
X 20
X 16
X 20

4b. Wide grip lat pulldown- fat bar-neutral grip
3 x 20


5a.DB supine curl
2 x 20

5b. band bent over lateral raise
2 x 20

Catching up

Well, today is April 24th, and my log is about training from the 13th (week one of my gpp (general physical preparation) block).

I have to apologize that my log went missing for the past two weeks.   I did not stop training, but since April 13th-24th, a few things had kept me from getting a polished training log up and out.

1) Defending my thesis and all documents required submitted so I could complete my M.S.   Honestly, I have been so busy that I haven't had the chance to even celebrate that, enjoy that, or take it in (as crazy as that sounds).

2) We submitted a manuscript that I have been working on for the last year.  As soon as I defended, I stepped out of the seminar and was relentlessly working for the last two weeks to get that thing submitted.  This Friday, we pressed send to the journal (which I will mention if we are lucky enough to get accepted..I'm superstitious).

3)Amidst most of this I've still got a ton of end of the semester grading and what not going on.  On the bright side, I can confidently now say most of my students will tell you both exercise and diet are things that need periodization.  So regardless of everything else, this is AWESOME.

4) I had a couple of interviews I had to prepare for (I'm now convinced interviewing does not stop).

Womp, womp, womp...

5) My personal life can only be described by this picture:

Screen Shot 2015-04-25 at 5.59.01 PM

So no excuses, I was just having a ton of trouble writing about training...Since we all know my training log is never just training but always about life.  And, to be even more honest, I just didn't want to deal with the things in life that were causing me a ton of distress. And, at the most honest, writing them down made them real, something I really didn't want to deal with.  What can I say, I'm human (not a robot as we used to think).  I'm not sure how I feel about this though.  I kind of liked the old Jenn who had a (according to Alexander) a semi-low-EQ (lol).

Back on the train tracks

Anyways, back on track.  My next training log will be focused on catching you all up on the past two weeks of training.  But in short, they were the first 2 weeks of my three week GPP training block (or mesocycle).  Before jumping into more focused training I wanted to really work on improving the ability of my muscles to do work and address some unilateral training since after the last training block I had some things (knee. shoulder) that were bugging me.

In the school/work realm right now is crazy.  I'm pushing to get another molecular type paper together in the next 2 months and I will be starting the biomedical sciences PhD program at OSU in June.  That being said, I would really like to find a way to get a competition in right before the end of August.  So, I will start to look for one and talk to some people about helping me out with prep.  Not that I can't do it myself, but I would prefer to not have to thinking, be an athlete, and just train (if that makes any sense at all).  I just want to get into robot mode: doin' work and chasing goals.
