The following details my primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout from this past Monday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  The workout was a combination of John Meadows programming and some of my own.  I trained alongside my bride and here is what we did…


Machine Press


Set 1 x 8 reps with 160lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 190lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 220lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 230lbs

Set 5 x 8 reps with 240lbs


*I used a slow tempo here on the eccentric and concentric.  Don’t completely lock-out or bring your elbows too far back at the bottom.  Maintain continuous tension.


Incline Dumbbell Press


Set 1 x 12 reps with 75lbs

Set 2 x 12 reps with 75lbs

Set 3 x 12 reps with 75lbs

Set 4 x 12 reps with 75lbs


*I used a slight angle, took 45 second rest breaks and did not fully lock out at the top.  The goal is to nearly hit failure by your last set.


Floor Press


Set 1 x 10 reps with 225lbs

Set 2 x 10 reps with 225lbs

Set 3 x 10 reps with 225lbs

Set 4 x 10 reps with 225lbs


*Pause each rep with your elbows resting on the floor before explosively driving the weight up and contracting your pecs hard at the top.  What I love about these vs. regular barbell flat bench is that its must safer in light of my pec tear back in 2010 because I cannot over stress/stretch the pec tendon.


Here is a video:






Here is the chain I used:

Set 1 x 8 reps with bodyweight + 1 chain

Set 2 x 8 reps with bodyweight + 1 chain

Set 3 x 6 reps with bodyweight + 1 chain -> drop chain x 4 reps


*Work the lower half of the movement for a great stretch here.  Stop just short of failure until the third set.  If you add weight then do a drop on the final set as well going to failure.


Superset: Machine Flyes & Band Facepulls


Here is the band I used:


Machine Flyes x 8 reps with 190lbs

Immediately followed by…

Band Facepull x 35 reps with Micro Resistance Band


*Get 8 reps on the flyes with a solid weight and then go immediately to band facepulls for very high reps (35).  I only rested about 30 seconds before going back into the next round of the superset.  Perform the superset for 3 rounds.


Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals


Set 1 x 12 reps with 25lbs

Set 2 x 12 reps with 25lbs

Set 3 x 12 reps with 25lbs

Set 4 x 12 reps with 25lbs


*Bring the dumbbells up to eye level, pause and then lower.  Use perfect form here.


Single Arm Bent Over Cable Rear Laterals


I used this attached to the lower pulley in the cross-over:


Set 1 x 15 reps with 20lbs

Set 2 x 15 reps with 20lbs

Set 3 x 15 reps with 20lbs


*The key here is to hold the contraction for a 1 second count on each rep.


Superset: Triceps Pushdowns & Dips Between Benches


Triceps Pushdowns x 15 reps with 150lbs

Immediately followed by…

Dips Between Benches x 8 reps with bodyweight


*Pump out the pushdowns with a straight bar attachment.  Immediately go to dips between benches and really work the stretch at the bottom and sit back a bit to intensify the contraction at the top.  Perform the superset for 4 rounds.


That concluded this primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard!
