The following details my chest, shoulder and triceps workout from this past Wednesday evening.  I trained at Kirkland Gold's Gym with Christina.  Here is what we did...


Flat Bench Press


Do a couple warm-up sets as needed - FYI.


Set 1 x 12 reps with 225lb

Set 2 x 10 reps with 245lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 275lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps with 295lbs -> drop to 185lbs x 15 reps


*I paused the bar for a split second on my chest before driving it up to ¾ lock-out.  I normally stay away from bench press, but it’s felt good lately. Rest breaks were about 45 seconds between all sets.


Alternating: Pronate Cable Incline Flyes & Stretch Push-ups


Pronate Cable Incline Flyes x 8 reps with 40lbs

Immediately followed by...

Stretch Push-ups x 8 reps with bodyweight/feet elevated

Immediately repeat…


*The key here is to alternate between exercise until you've done each one 4 times.  Pump the blood on the flyes and stretch your pecs on the push-ups.


Here is a video from a previous workout showing the pronate flyes:




Alternating: Rear Laterals & Dumbbell Flyes


Rear Laterals x 20 reps with 30lbs

Immediately followed by…

Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 8 reps with 50lbs

Immediately repeat...


*Aim for full range reps on the rear laterals for at least the first 10 reps and then swing them with your elbows locked.  Lift your sternum on the flyes.  I hit failure on them around 6 reps on my last set.  Alternate back-and-forth until you’ve done each exercise 4 times.


Single Arm Inverted Kettlebell Presses


I learned this from a Dr. John Rusin video on T-Nation - FYI.


Single Arm Inverted Kettlebell Press x 4 sets x 8 reps with 30lbs


*This was much more difficult than I anticipated.  The idea is to create instability to activate more muscle fibers.  This was my first attempt.  It did hit my delts in a unique way.  I basically alternated back-and-forth between right and left arms until I had done 4 sets with each.


Here is a video:




Dumbbell Side Laterals


Set 1 x 60 reps with 10lbs


*Destroy your delts with a single finisher set to 60 total reps.  I got about 40, rested long enough to take a couple breaths and then did another 10, rested a couple breaths and did a final 10.  Fire!


Alternating: Single Arm Triceps Pushdown & Overhead Extension


Single Arm Triceps Pushdown x 8 reps with 45lbs

Immediately followed by…

Single Arm Overhead Extension x 8 reps with 45lbs

Immediately repeat…


*The key here is to grab the upper cable pulley without an attachment.  Lean forward slightly and perform single arm pushdowns with your hand in a neutral position.  Immediately turn around, facing away from the weight stack, and do overhead extensions.  Move to the opposite arm and do the same thing.  Go back-and-forth until you’ve done each exercise 4 times with each arm.


That concluded this chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard!
