The following details my primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout from this past Monday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  This is part of the final week of a 12 week program by my coach, John Meadows.  I was training with Christina and my 15 year old daughter Lauren.


Hammer Decline Press


John called for rest/pause reps on a machine chest press, but the gym was full and the only thing available was a decline Hammer Press – FYI.


Set 1 x 10 reps with 1 plate/side (warm-up)

Set 2 x 10 reps with 2 plates/side (warm-up)

Set 3 x 10 reps with 2 plates + 25’s/side (warm-up)

Set 4 x 10 reps with 3 plates/side

Set 5 x 10 reps with 3 plates/side

Set 6 x 10 reps with 3 plates/side

Set 7 x 10 reps with 3 plates/side


*The key here is to bring the weight all the way down and pause for a 1 second count before driving the weight up.  Use a smooth motion and flex hard just short of lock-out.


HBT Barbell Bench Press


The hanging band technique was not a part of John’s program – FYI.  I used these bands:


Set 1 x 5 reps with 235lbs (25’s hanging from each side)

Set 2 x 5 reps with 235lbs (25’s hanging from each side)

Set 3 x 5 reps with 235lbs (25’s hanging from each side)

Set 4 x 5 reps with 235lbs (25’s hanging from each side)

Set 5 x 5 reps with 235lbs (25’s hanging from each side)


*Perform these as rest/pause reps meaning you take the weight down to your chest, pause for a 2 second count, and drive the weight up to ¾ lock-out before bringing it right back down.  Control the eccentric and be explosive on the concentric portions of the movement.


Here is a video from a previous workout to show the HBT set-up:




Incline Hex Press


Set 1 x 12 reps with 65’s

Set 2 x 12 reps with 65’s

Set 3 x 10 reps (failure) with 65’s


*The key here is to perform sets of 12 reps on your first two sets.  On the third set go to failure, but also pause the reps for a 1 second count at the bottom and flex for a 1 second count at the top.


Here is a video of my 3rd set:




T-Nation Dead Squat Bar Shoulder Press


John called for dumbbell presses, but I wanted to try a new variation with my dead squat bar from pins.  The bar itself weighed 69lbs – FYI.


Set 1 x 8 reps with 179lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 179lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 179lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 179lbs


*You guessed it – rest/pause all the reps here as well.


Here is a video:




Seated Side Laterals


Set 1 x 20 reps with 15’s

Set 2 x 20 reps with 15’s

Set 3 x 15 reps with 15’s

Set 4 x 12 reps with 15’s


*The key here is to work the top ¾ of the range of motion only, meaning your arms will not come down all the way or get within 18” or so from your sides at the bottom.  Keep rest breaks to 45 seconds and aim for 4 sets of 20 reps even though you will likely lose reps along the way like I did.


Machine Rear Laterals


Set 1 x 25 reps with 100lbs

Set 2 x 25 reps with 100lbs

Set 3 x 25 reps with 100lbs


*Take your time and flex hard on all your reps.  These burned like crazy being last in the shoulder exercise rotation today.


Bent Over Rope Extensions


Set 1 x 15 reps with 110lbs

Set 2 x 12 reps with 110lbs

Set 3 x 10 reps with 110lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 110lbs


*The key is to do these leaning forward and let your hands come back behind your head but not too far that it forces you to lose tension. Start with a conservative 15 rep weight and keep your hands apart for the prescribed 15 reps.  After your prescribed reps, perform the extension portion of the movement with hands together, and the eccentric portion with hands apart for as many reps as possible – I only got about 2-3. Once you can no longer keep hands apart on eccentric, just pump out as many reps as possible with hands together for the full motion – again, I only got 2-3 reps here. Do every set like this and enjoy the burn!


One Arm Reverse Grip Pushdowns


Set 1 x 10 reps with 50lbs

Set 2 x 10 reps with 50lbs

Set 3 x 10 reps with 50lbs


*Use a single D handle for these, grab it with a palm up grip and extend your arm bringing the handle to your side.  Keep your palm facing forward, with a strong contraction for a 2 count at lock-out. Squeeze your lat on the working arm side to intensify the contraction. Stretch your triceps hard for 30 seconds after the last set.


That concluded this primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard!
