The following details my chest, shoulder and triceps workout from Wednesday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  Christina joined me and here is what we did…


Dumbbell Press


Set 1 x 12 reps with 60lbs (warm-up)

Set 2 x 10 reps with 70lbs (warm-up)

Set 3 x 8 reps with 90lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 110lbs

Set 5 x 8 reps with 120lbs

Set 6 x 6 reps (failure) with 130lbs


*After a couple warm-ups go up in weight performing 8 reps until you fail to get all 8.  Press to just short of locking out to save your elbows and maintain continuous tension.


Hammer Strength Super Incline Press


Set 1 x 10 reps with 2 plates/side

Set 2 x 10 reps with 2 plates/side

Set 3 x 10 reps with 2 plates/side

Set 4 x 10 reps with 2 plates/side


*The key is to not overstretch at the bottom and drive the weight up and flex hard at the top on each rep.


Super-set: Low Cable Flyes & Push-ups


Low Cable Flyes x 10 reps with 40lbs

Immediately followed by…

Push-ups x 12 reps with bodyweight


*The key is to set the pulleys to a low position on the flyes and flex hard at the top.  Keep your arms slightly bent throughout the movement. This will work some anterior delts as well, but focus on your pecs.  Immediately drop down and perform push-ups. Perform this superset for 4 rounds.


Here is a video:




Super-set: Face Pulls & Cable Side Laterals


Face Pulls x 15 reps with 110lbs

Immediately followed by…

Cable Side Laterals x 15 reps with 15lbs


*Hold the contraction and flex your rear delts for a split second on each rep of the face pulls.  Move straight to cable side laterals using the set-up per the video below from a previous workout.  Do this super-set for 3 rounds.


Video of cable side laterals:




Super-set: Close Grip Bench Press & Machine Triceps Extensions


Close Grip Bench x 7 reps with 155lbs

Immediately followed by…

Machine Triceps Extensions x 7 reps with 90lbs


*On the close grip bench, lower the weight, pause for a one second count and push the weight up flexing your triceps as hard as possible.  I moved straight to a Life Fitness neutral grip triceps extension machine. Do this super-set for 4 rounds.


That concluded this chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard!
