Sat, 30 Dec 17

Strongman Saturday @ the Unit

Today was awesome because I got back to my strongman roots and trained outside in sub-freezing temps.  Of course, until Iron Strong CF opened last year, all my training in winter for the last 11 years has always been outside, but this was the first event day that it has really been cold this year.  I firmly believe training outside when it's fucking freezing out puts hair on your nuts and makes you better in pretty much every way.  Does it suck?  Sure.  Could you just go find a place to train indoors or skip it?  Absolutely.  But I've found that people who shy away from training outside when it's really cold usually lack the testicular fortitude to push themselves to ever be great.

Additionally today I did some cleaning and reorganization of the Unit because I kind of let it turn into a pig sty with adding more equipment to my inventory over the second half of 2017.  It looks and feels much more like a training hall and much less like a cluttered pile of junk that might be seen on Storage Wars now.  It still needs a little more organizing and I'd like to procure a couple more stall mats, but good work was done on all fronts in the cold ass temps.

Circus DB C&P

3ea x 115

5ea x 115

3ea x 135

3ea x 145

3ea x 155 - Video

Like a big dummy, I forgot to bring my bands from home that I usually use for CDB warmups so I had to start with the empty DB with is 115 lbs of awesomeness.  Sets were done all left side then all right side, so 6 reps in a row for the work sets.  I also opted not to belt up today since I haven't done circus DB in months and it was the first time doing it since clearing up the impingement in my right shoulder and healing up my right biceps.  Everything felt solid other than losing all feeling in my hands each time I grabbed the CDB because the metal was so cold.


100' x 250

100' x 450

100' x 540

100' x 630

100' x 680 - This run felt really terrible.

100' x 700 - I did this run mostly because I wanted to test a couple things to see if I could make it feel better since everything up to 630 had felt good to go.  My modifications (rest period and belt tightness) did not help and 700 felt worse than 680 so that was all for today.

My phone battery also died due to the cold so I couldn't get the yoke videos that I actually wanted.  But you can still see I am twisting my left side (not sure if shoulder or hip) forward during pretty much the entirety of the only yoke run I was able to video.  I'll address this more directly in warmups next time.

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