The fourth week of my program has me doing DE pulls whether I need the lightened training load or not. I am also trying to work with a hook grip. Every week I have work up a little more in weight. Last week I worked up to 600lbs with no problems. Last night I used the hook for 4 out of the 9 sets of DE. During the workout I noticed I was bleeding from both thumbs, under the nail, and at the tip of my thumb. I can only think the pressure is gonna make my thumb blow out the top like a looney tunes cigar lol. You ever see the Fly with Jeff Goldblum with he squeezes the tip of his finger an it explodes like a giant zit? LOL

DE Deathlifts
9 singles with 500lbs

Death strap
4 sets of 5 with 335

4 sets of 5 dynamically

Reverse Hyper
4 sets of 12

Weighted abs
4 sets of 8