4" Block Pulls vs. Chains
- 135 x 10
- 225 x 10
- 315 x 3
- 315 x 2 - added 120 in chains
- 405 x 2 - added old Ace briefs
- 495 x 3
- 565 x 3
- 565 x 3 - 160 in chains
- 565 x 3 - 180 in chains
- 80 x 13 x 4
Standing Ab Work
- 150 x 10 x 4
Next week I will either drop to a 2" block or try my luck with conventional deficit pulls. I'm leaning towards the 2" blocks.
This week has been killing me at the clinic. To say we are struggling would be an understatement and my stress level is reaching critical. I find myself sitting in the living room at night just staring at the floor lost in thought trying to figure out what to do to try and fix the problem. I haven't come up with anything yet and I know our staff is doing what they can. They can see it all weighing on me when I come in, but there's not much we can do if we can't get people to come through the door.
Thank goodness for OBB so I can train away some stress.