Okay, sets of 10 with 200lbs in chain did suck a little. But still! I almost puked where Dave Tate has puked many times before!!
The goal today was to work on the accumulated fatigue that occurs from pulling heavy, and being a bigger guy (back pumps). I am also working on my grip by switching to exclusively pulling with a deadlift bar. If any of you followed my training leading up to my last meet, I was set to total 1941 on my deadlift opener of 727.5. I weighed in at 217lbs, and this would have been 11lbs under Dan Green's national record in the USPA. BUT, whippy deadlift bars and my baby hands don't mix. My left hand decided to explode, and then the blood prevented me from hanging onto any of my attempts. I'll post my video for anyone uninitiated to my shortcomings.
I found as I made my way through this session, that I think cardio training was intended through adding all of the chains one at a time. I made it to 10 per side, for a total of 200lbs in chain weight.
A. 2.5" Deficit Beltless Deadlift
370lbs +200lbs in chain (570) x10
370lbs +200lbs in chain (570) x10
370lbs +200lbs in chain (570) x8
I cannot wait to start moving some real weight. I can FEEL myself getting stronger and stronger
B. Dumbbell 12" Step Ups
40s x15
40s x15
40s x15
40s x15
Another venture into unilateral strength to get the lower extremity tracking properly, and the glute/hammy/quad/knee all on the same page!!
C1. Back Extension
70lb DBx28
70lb DBx24
70lb DBx20
70lb DBx15 (almost barfed)
C2. Full Body Tension Plank
30 seconds
30 seconds
30 seconds
30 seconds
The trunk is not just your abs! I train bracing and breathing, because that is what I NEED as a powerlifter. If anyone can show me when a competitive athlete needs to flex his trunk, then I'll start doing crunches. Until then, I'm cool with what I have!