You know a really good way to start off your deadlift day?  It's super awesome, you just like, pinch your pinky finger in between plates while loading them!  But seriously...ouch.  Basically this made a blood blister, and I made it through all of my deadlifts, before popping it on the last set.  It was super cool.  Anyway, these felt awesome and easy, and I was very pleased with them.

And how to end an awesome deadlift day?  Move your rack pulls down two inches and dont adjust/lower the weight and hurt your back.  Yes. I was on a roll tonight.  BIG...maybe gigantic mistake and I will be feeling it for days.

Deadlift: 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 320x5x3

Rack Pulls: 380x3x3

Pull Ups: 4x10

Hammer Curls: 10x20 & 15x20