Edit: link is now clickable in my bio!!!! Hello friendos! I'm trying to raise some money in the last 10 day's before the #deadliftsfordoernbecher2017 event! I want to raise over $2,000 and we're currently at approximately $400. If each of my 20k followers donated one dollar, we could demolish that goal. Please check out the link at https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/joseph-sullivan-6/2017-deadlifts-for-doernbecher and help out a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!!! @ks_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @mbslingshot "SULLYSTRONG" For 10% off! On @baconandbarbells.co "JOESTRONG" for 10% off @morphogenben Products. DM me for coaching! #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching #HowMuchYaBench #STrongSleeves #Slingshot #KernUSOpen2018

A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on

I'm raising money for a charity event I'm taking part in in Portland OR this next week. It is for the #1 ranked children's hospital in the United States, and I've set a pretty decent goal of $2000.

Hopefully I might be able to help out the hospital, and have some fun in the Pacific Northwest for a few days!

This is the link for the donation page: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/joseph-sullivan-6/2017-deadlifts-for-doernbecher