Treadmill. 6min.  3.5MPH for 5min. 3.8MPH for 1min.

Belt Box squats 3x5. 165lbs total all sets.

FreeMotion leg curls 3x8. 8/10/11

AB’s. Ab pull down machine. 3x8.  12/15/15

Felt good, cold brew for energy.  I  have noticed some good weight gain.  Some fat some muscle.  Want to get to 255/260lbs before I really crank down on the diet.  For now just want to gain the weight back and not worried about hs won’t some fat here and there.

In my groups we are wrapping up the 4 week block with 5x8 at 73/75%.  Everyone is doing great.  Am really stressing eating like an athlete as that is how we are training.

For the Powerlifters they are on the last week of variation and also deloading next week.  Most of them are competing Feb 5 at the IPA Ed Clark classic.