Background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..



Warm up-general

Warm up-specific(ish)
3 x 20 ghr
3 x 20 kb swing

1.9 x 2 x50%
High bar back squat, fast up,fast down
15 Sec rest
** amazingly, I was very quick in the eccentric.  This has not always been the case coming out of the eccentric block (mesocycle). I attribute it to my idea to contrast each speed set with an eccentric with a fast set... But that's just my hypothesis...

2. 3 position clean
5 x 1+1+1
30 sec rest except for between set 3 and 4 where I got lost somewhere deep in a thought, not sure how much time passed

3. Weighted kneeling jumps
3 x 3
With up to 15lb db

1.tabata treadmill off sprints
4minutes of 20 on: 10 off
Just death

Deload induced sweet nothings???
No pictures from today's training.   Instead, I'll leave you with the message I left on Matt Wenning's white board the other morning.  I'm assuming Sheena left the lovely heart and message to "bee yourself."  I added the appropriate addendum  hahah (in header).