background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..
Isometric Block Week4: The max effort days
ME UPPER-Friday June 4
Warm up-General
1. Stepper
Warm up-Specific
Work Capacity Exercises
2a.3 x 15 push-ups
2b.3 x 15 ultra wide fat bar lat pulldown
3.Incline cambered bar bench
Up to 1 rm RPE 8
Down set:
3 x 3 x 95
4. Single arm DB Row
3 x 5 x 65lbs
Assistance circuit x 2
5a.Zombie curls x 15
5b.Bent over rear raise x 20
5c.Deficit close grip push-ups x 15
ME Lower-Saturday June 6
So, I have a thing about wanting to do things that are a bit outrageous on my deload max effort lower weeks. For instance, once time a ran a tough mudder (without training for it)on my ME lower deload. Another time, I ran a half marathon (without having run for 10 months for more than 30 sec). Each time I survived, but each time I a lovely episode of the Exorcist (aka projectile puking the ride home).
So of course, when my deload rolled around this time, I decided (well, I didn't have a trail choice) that mountain biking would make a great deload. So we road a black diamond,and then since that wasn't enough, a blue. I of course rode the whole thing in gear 1 because I was fed up with my bike and figured it would only make it a harder workout (kidding). I also decided not to bring water, because hydrate is overrated (kidding). And of course, after riding for 4ish hours (I think), and dropping the pH in by body to extremely low levels, I then went on to puke for the rest of the afternoon and night (Read: I did not puke during, just after). Yep, sounds like a great way to restore my CNS and recover (again, kidding). Sometimes I just think, "will I ever learn?"