Plans changed a little. I got too fat after this week of post contest gluttony. I went from 220 up to 231... whoops. Decided I needed to bring things back down a bit, so calories and carbs are low, and that means lower training volume, higher frequency, and higher intensity.
Today was pretty basic. Warm up with some high box squats and follow it up with some deadlift rep work.
Training was as follow
High SSB Box Squats- 3x8
Deadlifts- 3x5, and then work up to a relatively fast/heavy single
The was right around 85% for a single after a heavyish 3x5. I liked the way it moved a lot better than the way it felt, so I just cut it there.
Since I'm having knee issues and won't be squatting as frequently as I'd like to, I will definitely be upping the deadlifting frequency, so that means I need to be all economic like with intensity and make sure I'm hitting more quality first/low reps.
Also, IF I win the lottery tonight ($1.6 billion at date of publication), I promise to do something good for charity, for strength sports, and I dunno... remake Blazing Saddles. Cross your fingers