Dillon Ledford - 21 years old competed in The IPA Battle of The Beast held at The Flex Lewis Classic in Nashville, Tenn this past weekend 07/16/16. This weekend marks only 9 months of him training for powerlifting at Team Nebobarbell and only his 2nd Powerlifting meet.
Dillon I am super proud of your progress and hardwork. I am honored to coach you and watch you continue to improve.
Here is what he accomplished:
7 for 9 on attempts
2 for 3 on squats
50 pound PR on squat
2 for 3 on bench
10 pound PR on bench
3 for 3 on deadlift
50 pound PR on deadlift
110 pound PR on total
1st Place Victory
Dillon competed in the raw full power 220 weight class male juniors division
525 pound squat
260 pound bench-press
550 pound deadlift
1335 pound total