Mon, 27 Mar 17

Block 11, Wave 1 - BP

I changed up a few things I have tried recently and didn't like and I added in some stuff I have wanted to test drive.  We shall see if it does what I want it to do.

Banded Irish Tornados

3x5ea x monster mini band

These are along the lines of my stone throw simulator, but with less weight shift and no level change - just a rotational single arm press.  I like these much more after I simplified them.

Bench Press









Probably had more in me, but no lift off and no spot usually results in a sub par performance, despite setting the safety pins to "protect ya neck" height.

Neutral Grip Cable Rows



Banded Axle Push Press

5x70 - No bands

5x70 + monster mini & micro

3x100 + monster mini & micro

5x3x130 + monster mini & micro

It's not how fast you mow; it's how well you mow fast.  Hard to tell how fast I was mowing though.  Trying to work on my speed up without rebending my knees to drop under it.  The bands were configured in a basket setup thanks to Murph.  This was the first way I ever added bands to OH and I still like it better than a single band setup.  I went through a few different combinations of tension to find one where I thought I might be moving fast-ish.  May decrease the monster minis to minis next time to lighten it up even further since I'm trying to be fast in a semi-fatigued state.

Band Internal Rotation/Band External Rotation

3x{15ea x mini/15ea x micro}


4x~100' x prowler + 90

6x~100' x prowler + 50

I brought the prowler home so I could push it after my training without having to go to the Unit, but I forgot to bring my wheelie dealy to measure the distance.  So I have only a very rough idea that I was pushing it about 100' or so for the last 5 runs.  The first 2 were definitely more along the lines of 120' to 150'.  Also, I think the pavement on the roads in my neighborhood may have one of the worst coefficients of friction I have ever come across, which is surprising because it looks just like the pavement at the Unit, but feels about twice as hard to push with half the weight.  Looks like I'll be dropping the weight back down for a bit for the time being.