I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 XPC Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival on March 5th, in Columbus, Ohio. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Well with the way thing have been progressing, I decided to be safe than sorry and just bump my extra leg work up to Tuesday. I have no idea how things are going to continue to progress, so I wanted to be able to get in and do some light work to keep the muscles engaged and firing, get a little sweat, mentally stay strong, and also do some minor movement tests to see where I am at.

Obviously all the work I did below was pain free, so that was all very good. The best thing is that I can goblet squat and hinge with weight pain free. Now, the big issue will be when I really start to load up my spine with a bar, BUT it's obviously a good sign I can even squat pain free. I'm still going strong on the rehab itself, but this session was just a big mental boost for me that I'm going to be okay. Pain is down to about a 2.5/10 and just in super random occurrences (like getting out of the car). Right now, the worse thing is just waking up in the morning and get moving. Once I'm moving, I'm good to go. So I really think that my erectors are still just super tight from the initial trauma, and are trying to recover the best they can. I'm thinking that next week I will get a massage to try and work out any kinks that might be lingering before meet day, just to be safe. But chipping away at this day by day. I'm really happy with my progress thus far for 72 hours.

Items Used in this Training Session

A1) Wtd GHH/Back Extension

B1) Seated Leg Curls

C1) Single Leg Leg Extensions
5x20 per leg

D1) Goblet Squat
D2) KB Swings


2, 30 min ice sessions
2, 60 min stim sessions
PRI Breathing Drills (3)
Extra Foam Rolling and Soft Tissue Work for Glutes, Hams, TFL