Remember when I said I was purposely not planning meals in order to prepare for my lack of access to food?  Lol. I even like purposely set that up, and did great with it, but when I actually started my job, I fell off.  I can't lie, it's been a stressful few weeks starting out and just trying to get acclemated to everything and all of the changes in my schedule.  But, we are back on track again.  I feel like the message I'm trying to send is just that we are all human, we all fall off, don't get down, just get back on track to your goals.

I weighed in the other day at 193 and thought omgoodness what have you done?  And within days I cleaned up my diet and I'm already down the extra pounds of fluff.  It's okay, it's not the end of the world, just keep chuggin along.