I’m currently in meet prep for the RPS Lexen Spring Fling in Columbus, Ohio on May 9th, 2015. I will be competing in my first multi-ply meet, going bench only at 148 pounds.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com
Tuesday was my final training day before the meet. I got in some lower body work, and still kept things rather light. I still opted to squat doing sets of 10 up to a moderate set without a belt. The speed and everything felt good and it wasn't slow or grindy, so I shut it down at 295. My legs had a pretty good pump and I had a good sweat going, so I cranked out some extra blood flow and abs and got out. It felt good to do something and just stay fresh more than anything else.
I've also added in a video of me discussing my first experience training for an equipped meet. Joe did and excellent job of writing out his thoughts, and so I shot a video explaining mine as it's been such a great experience doing this (and I'm glad I am going through with it). Raw lifting is certainly gaining popularity, but venturing out and trying a different avenue of powerlifting has been enjoyable, and I wanted to take the time to discuss all of this. So if you want to see my recap, thoughts, goals, and such about the training cycle leading up to this meet, the video will be certainly be worth the watch.
I'm ready for meet day, and I'll update as soon as I can afterwards. Thanks for all the support over the past 8 weeks. Time to go pop my gear whore cherry on Saturday.
Warm Up
Reverse Hyper - 290 for 42 total reps
A1) SSB Box Squats (beltless)
B1) Chain Leg Extensions
100 total reps
50 total reps
D1) RKC Plank
4x20 sec