Emotion. Irrational and uncontrollable. Powerful. .
It's described as a characteristic that can be either great or terrible. If you're a man, it's oftentimes called PASSIONATE. If female, EMOTIONAL or CRAZY. But that's a point for another day. .
Today it's just emotion. Whatever form that may take, whether it's passion, sadness, fear, whatever. If you see it in yourself you owe it to the world to show it out. There are too few individuals willing to put themselves at risk for the idea that they can be more than what they are. And a whole too many individuals believing they are more, with no substance to back it. .
Just as anything worth its salt in this world requires action, so does passion and an emotional desire to be more. I have to take risks. You do too. And due to this there are times I fail. There are times I want to die. I question why i'm here and what it is I am really trying to achieve. But there are also times I know it with the utmost certainty. There are times I see it flow outwards from me, and from other people. I've seen both at the arnold this weekend. And I've seen grey. But this passion, and these people are worth fighting for. It's why I believe I am who I am and what i'm meant to be. It's why I believe in you, even if you cannot do so yourself.
I chose to use this photo of Grant Higa and myself because I've looked up to him for a long time. He's been the arbiter of quiet passion in my eyes for a long time, and every time I speak with him I am reminded as to why that remains. I'm glad I saw you this weekend, dude.