Here, fitness related, but a bit personal. I think it's important to point out that I am your typical yo-yo dieter. Yes, I'm the girl you hate. I'm the one that picks a different "diet" approach every couple of months, but to be honest, I ALWAYS come back to flexible dieting. I think in the past I have mostly lacked accountability; I've never legitimately had someone helping me with it. That, and I feel obligated to speak this into the universe: I really have never treated my body or myself with kindness. If you follow me, then you know I'm really on this self love kick, as I feel it is imperative to every woman's existence.
To build off of that, it goes so much deeper than what I'm putting in my body as far as food. Allowing myself to make mistakes, being patient with myself, just generally being okay with who I am as a person. I had been teetering with what to do regarding diet for a couple weeks, and I really couldn't make up my mind. I realized in this time that the only thing holding me back from being successful in this area of my life was really just me. I am coming into my own, and I think anyone close to me can see how much growth I've had, especially lately. Being able to say goodbye to toxic people and shitty situations is becoming easier than ever. Not because I'm just kicking people out of my life, but because for the first time I actually realize 1. what I have to offer the world and 2. I know exactly who I am and what I want. There is literally nothing more powerful than knowing who you are and exactly what you stand for.
With that said, lets take a look at my approach to flexible dieting. I know some people still plan out their meals and follow some sort of format. For now, I'm choosing to be a little more flexible than I probably would've in the past, just for the fact that I am only "planning" out about 1-2 meals per day. There is a reason for this. I got a second job, and I will be starting it next week. Although I get to plan out my days and have flexibility for both jobs in order to tailor it to my liking, it's safe to say I'm going to be on the road A LOT. This means I won't have access to a microwave or refrigerator quit possibly all day and into the evening. So, before things get crazy, I'm really learning to work with what I can get while I'm out and on the go. This is EXTREMELY important, as making healthy decisions is difficult. This exists. This is a thing, and it's much much easier than you think. Protein shakes, fruit, veggies, cheese, grilled chicken sandwiches, etc.
I enjoy food, and a giant thing has always been just being able to enjoy my food. Sorry, I'm not a chicken and rice, beef and rice, broccoli, protein shake diet kind of girl, and I never will be. Perhaps this is why no "diet" has ever stuck. Sure, I can force myself to follow just about anything, begrudgingly. BUT, what happens when the diet comes to an end? Oh, thats right, I maintain briefly and then, boom, I'm back where I started. This weekend I went out with my friend and had a few really awesome beers and a giant sandwich, and then on Sunday, I resumed my normal set macros. This probably sounds silly, and that's okay. But for me, these little victories mean everything, and I'm going to celebrate every single one.