..I've written about it and discussed it a lot on my Podcast in the past, but on a weekly basis I hear of more lifters with mental health concerns that share with me anxiety attacks or depressive symptoms occuring very closely to heavy training sessions. If your mental health is right where you want it to be, keep doing what you're doing.. But if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or another Mental Health concern; consider how your barbell movement intensity, volume, psychological demands to training, and recovery are currently organized. More people are effected by their programming than they realize (I was for a long time)..
With that in mind, I want to throw out there that I will ALWAYS give feedback on your current programming to help you make your own tweaks/adjustments at no charge - Just shoot me a message or email (joeschillero@gmail.com) and we'll schedule a time to chat via messenger, phone, or skype.
Will an adjustment in your training program fix everything? Most likely not, but it made a huge difference for me and I think it's worth taking a look at if you're dealing with some mental health challenges.