Today our powerlifitng squad hit squats (opposite stance than they normally use), goodmornings, heavy step ups/heavy ab superset. All was done 10x4 with minute rest. Everyone got better these last three weeks on the "Basic Bitch workout". We rotate movements starting Monday for the next three weeks. Want to bring a crew to the iron mafia meet in July in Kentucky. Will see who is able to do this one and go from there.
As far as for myself I'm still in hospital but get discharged today. My neck looks like I got bit by three vampires from all the tubed and needles that were in there. My throat feels like I got throat fucked by a baseball bat, and my groin feels like a tore it from them digging in it for 4-5 hrs to fix my leaks, but other than that I feel grrrrreeeeeaaaatttt. Ready to go home and relax. I will go back to work sat and normal work Monday. No rest for the wicked.