So we got some goofy application going on in here. Having some fun with some new stuff and getting harassed by about lifting in gear. (And I mean the single ply bench ATWR at 220 is 722 but who's counting).
I am not one for moderation, so I figured I'd go pretty far in on my first day implementing dynamic effort work. And as I sit the day after, I am honestly very sore for the first time in a long time, and as I am currently injured in the upper body, I am very happy to be doing something with some semblance of structure again. I am tracking total tonnage and will likely be rolling in 3 week waves of linear progression on speed work, followed by 1 Max Effort day per week alternating between upper body and lower body each week. The thought process behind this is because I have a relatively high maximal recoverable volume, I will need to push that in order to progress, but will not need to overly test my maximal strength levels as that will be counterproductive in regards to staying healthy and maintaining my upward momentum as my bicep tendon continues to heal.
Speaking of, obviously not CURRENTLY training upper body in such a capacity but we're looking to the future now as this is just a speedbump.
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