I guess I should start out by letting you know a little bit about my training. I do and always have ascribed to the 5thSet Methodology. I only train 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 5thSet runs on a 4 session microcycle over the course of 9 days, so every week is different. I have officially started my meet prep. My logs are starting in a really unique place, and i'm excited to share the 5thSet peaking cycle with all of you right off the bat. I'm currently getting ready to compete at the U.S Open in San Diego on April 23.
Disclosure: I am currently trained by Swede Burns and my program is tailored to my needs, in fact the only thing that has really changed over the years is the weights i'm using! He is compensated fully for his services, usually I cook and clean and do things he's too busy for, but don't worry some of these are billable services.
I'm finally getting to sit down and write this after a crazy day at work. I'm so pleased with how this 100% week is going so far. Tonight was the first time I have had heavy weight on my back since October, and I'm 13lbs (or more, who knows) lighter than when I did my peaking cycle for the last meet.
I hit 410 last night, which is only 10 lbs off my best squat in the gym (done right before my October meet). My descent was way too slow and I was way too timid. This upset me, but I'm happy to have the heavy weight on my back again and to know I can handle it. I plan to really work on my confidence in the following weeks with 90% and 80% as I get closer to the meet. That way when I hit the platform I'm prepared 100% mentally.
The weights feel...different. One of my teammates asked me if I felt "small". Honestly, I don't feel small until I put on my belt and go to lift, because everything feels different. Heavier maybe? I don't know how to describe it to be honest, just different. This is definitely a learning process for me. I never really know where I'm at in regards to a max, because I don't max that often with 5thSet (it's one of the reasons I love the program so much.) If there is one thing I'm always sure of, it's that I'm always good for a PR. That's not really the case this time around. Well, they're body weight PR's...but you get what I'm saying.
warm up: bracing exercises and stretching
(beltless) barx2x8, 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 225x3
(w/belt) 275x1
(belt & wraps) 315x3, 335x1, 355x1, 375x1, 395x1, 410x1
video here ------> 410x1 Squat
Split Squat
BWx4x11 (I add 1 rep every training day, 2 sets per leg)
barx12, 95x12, 195x12
195x12, 235x12
Reverse Hyper