Wed, 7 Feb 18

Speed Lower

Today I trained in the morning since it looks like AM training will work best with my class schedule this semester.  I could train in the afternoons, but it's less consistent and questionable as to whether I'd be able to do a 3rd gym day each week on a regular basis if I want to.  Today was great other than feeling like crap to start things out.  I think this was probably because I'm not used to earlier training so hopefully I'll adjust quickly.

Banded DL (short monster minis)





I was feeling dizzy and terrible for the start of my work sets and I felt better toward the end, but it was enough that I didn't work up today.  On the bright side, thanks to the video I can see that I wasn't as slow as I felt like I was.  Rest breaks were 30-45 sec.

Chain Squats (2 sets of chains)




I was really terrible on my first work set of squats.  I'm gonna add a little more squat warmup next time to see if I can fix that.  I felt like I could have worked up on squats, but since I had been feeling like crap earlier I didn't.  I'm all for pushing myself in training, but that doesn't mean I have to feel awful all the time.  Rest breaks were 30 sec.  Also, if you have a sleeping wife/gf/child/roommate in the house and want to use chains without waking them, putting towels down under the chains dampens a lot of the noise.

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The left side videos are my 1st work sets of deadlift and squats and the right side videos are my 10th set of the same.

SS Yoke Bar Good Mornings/Pallof Dead Bugs

15x155/10ea x 10

2x{15x195/10ea x 15}

Good mornings are still improving, but hopefully my hammies won't be obliterated to the point that it impacts my event training this weekend like they were after my visit to Georgetown.  I'm going to be trying out some different accessory and ab exercises and today it was the pallof dead bugs, which I got from Dr. Teddy Willsey's @strengthcoachtherapy IG page.  I tried it with a 25 lb plate on the Spud Inc. pulleys at first and immediately realized that was too heavy.  Ten lbs was too easy, and 15 was a little easy with it pulling me left, but noticeably harder with the cable pulling me to the right side.

SS Yoke Bar Calf Raise Drop Set


Fifty reps in a row resulted in calf fire.  I took a while working on getting the pallof dead bugs set up and I was running out of time to shower and eat and drive to school so I decided to do a drop set for calves instead of skipping them or doing a more typical set and rep scheme.  As I write this early the morning after, I can safely say that that one set was more than sufficient to make my calves sore as hell.