I'm going to be rotating hack squats, step ups and belt squats each week on lower accessory day. I like the hack squats because I can load the weight and feel the compression but don't have to stabilize it. I can also pause on the box and fire hard off if it. I like the step ups because they are unilateral and the belt squats to traction my hips and low back.
Hack squats to parallel box
worked up doing sets of 10 to 5 plates per side
worked up doing sets of 5 to 8 plates
9 plates for 3 reps
10 plates for a single
11 plates for a single
dropped to 6 plates for 10 reps
3 plates for 20 reps
reverse hypers
140 for 4 sets of 15 reps
hanging leg raises
3 sets of 15 reps
side bends holding kettlebell
3 sets of 10 per side
3 holds for 12 seconds
My core needs some work to help stabilize my squat. I was shanking a bit last Saturday while squatting.