Wed, 10 Oct 18

Speed Lower

Pretty good start to my new training block on the speed work front.  Hopefully by the next block I'll be kicking it back in for my pressing as well as squat and DL.  For whatever reason, I kept smashing the my head on the ends of the yoke bar today and it got me salty to the point of retaliating by kicking it.  I definitely showed that bar who's boss.

Banded Deficit Axle Deadlift (1.5" deficit, short monster mini bands)

15x70 - No bands

6x60 - Add bands






I did more warmup sets than normal today because I haven't done deficit pulls in a while.  This showed in the inconsistency of my acceleration on my work sets.  Some were pretty good, but others were not so speedy.

Chain SS Yoke Bar Box Squats (2 sets of chains)





All sets felt easy and fast - a little too easy and fast.  If this is similarly easy next time then I may add more chains.

DB RFE SS/Blast Strap Hamstring Curls/SS Yoke Bar Calf Raises

10ea x 80/15xBW/20x265

10ea x 80/15xBW/20x295

10ea x 90/15xBW/20x315

Still using just one DB for RFE SS and I will probably switch to plate loaded next week because I feel like I can still bump up from 90.  The HS curls smoked my ham hocks.