Sat, 19 Dec 17

Events @ ISCF

I determined that I had too much stuff down in VA Beach to be able to fit it all in the cab of my truck for the final drive home next weekend at the completion of my clinical.  Why keep it in the cab instead of using the truck bed for its intended purpose?  Because I didn't want to leave my stuff out all day in the parking garage and also because I didn't want it to get rained or snowed on during the drive home.  So I took as much as I could back with me on Friday.  This led to me driving home in the first snowstorm of the year.  It was only raining in VA Beach when I left work, but as I headed north up the shore, the rain turned to snow and I started to see vehicles that had slid off the road or had accidents.  I was keeping track at first, but lost sopped counting once I hit double digits.  At one point a car sun out in front of me, bounced off the guard rail (at very low speed) and started heading back down the highway toward me until the driver got it under control and pulled off to the side of the road.

I made it home safely despite the trip taking an hour longer than usual.  We got about 8" total just during the course of Friday afternoon and though the night, but thankfully the ground wasn't frozen and it was all snow so the roads were cleared the next morning which meant I could go train at Iron Strong.

Log C&J (clean once)

complex x 90

complex x 140





Aaaaand dammit.  I was finally feeling pretty good on log again after doing the beltless sets at Brute earlier in the week, but for some reason I managed to tweak the left side of my groin on my splits.  I was going to try to work through it, but the second set at 280 started hurting a lot more so I shut it down.

Hussafel Carry





These sets were all easy, but the heavier I went the more my groin was bothering me so I stopped here and called a halt to training as well for the day.  Frustrating, but at least I felt like I actually had energy to train today.