Sunday has been bench day for as long as I've trained at the compound. My initial thought today was some speed work but I lost focus on that.

bench - against mini bands

worked up to 225 for a triple

removed bands

225 for a single

275 for a single

315 for a single

365 for two misses

The speed work was going well but I wasn't locking out evenly. My left was actually locking out sooner than my right. We took the band off to see if that was the problem and it helped some. Dave then pointed out I was only wearing one elbow sleeve and to see if wearing both fixed it. It did but now I felt like working up verses putting the bands back on the bar. So I did and I missed 365 twice. It was humbling but at the same time I was able to strain and miss and not reinjure my tricep. So while 365 handed me my ass I did determine where my strength is and that I can strain and the tricep tendon held.


dumbbell bench

40's for 3 sets of 20 reps


barbell rows

135 for 5 sets of 8 reps



4 sets of 5 reps


standing military press with angle bar

95 for 4 sets of 10 reps


band pull aparts

mini band for 4 sets of 15