The very best raw squat I have ever done without a box was about 4 years ago and that was 600 and it was ugly. Today my program called for 610 for 4 sets of 4. So it was my biggest raw squat ever, and then 16 reps of it haha. It was kind of nice to get that oh shit feeling again, that rot in your gut because you don't know if you can get through it. That's a good driving feeling to have, all your senses are heightened and you are not focusing on anything else but those four reps. Felt good to feel oh shit again on something I have never tried before.


Squats Raw
4 sets of 4 with 610lbs

CG Bench
4 sets of 6 with 315lbs

Band Hammy curl
4 sets of 8

Rev Grip lat pull
4 sets of 12

4 sets of 15
