
But the unfortunate truth of the matter is, you fucking have to. It's the only option. The only other is you don't. That's death, that's failure, stagnation, destruction. It's cancer, it's dropping out, it's a deafeat, it's you heading to a different sport, it's you running.

You may not be able to do it. To handle it. To avoid feeling overwhelmed. But you don't get to choose. No one does. You just do or you don't. And the people that don't are forgotten. Passed over and brushed aside like every other inconsequential notion of individuality this world has ever hinted at.

And the people that do may still fail. May die, be beaten, lose, roll over, get abandoned, get chastized, and lose everything they once held dear.

But they might beat it. You might win. It's the only chance you have at rebelling against the cruel world and situation you have found yourself in. Because you are not alone in that struggle. But you are alone in your struggle. It is your's, it loves you, and it is the only thing in this life that will never abandon you. So be comfortable. Be angry. Ask not "why me?" and lament the fact that you CANNOT handle this and you WILL NEVER be okay, but cry out "I AM me". I am my flaws, I am my struggle, I am everything you believe me to be and MORE. You are everything they say about you, and you are everything you believe yourself to be.

I can't do this. You can't HANDLE this. But you have to. You need to. You have NO CHOICE. Call it hopeless, call it cruel, call it whatever you would please to. It remains the same and it does not mind.

You must not mind. You must rise to your own occassion. It's the only option you have. Ultimately, the other choices ring hollow and empty as your gut might feel when you stare at everything against you. But it doesn't matter. You don't get to choose. You just have to go.

You may say "I can't do this". I may have uttered it more times than I am comfortable since January 2nd of this year. And I am not here to argue against it. I'm simply saying that you HAVE TO. I don't care if you can't, you don't have a choice. You have to. There is no way around it.

Only through it and in spite of it.

You have to.
