Because I sucked.

All kinds of suck. Blonde chick on tour with motley crew kind of suck.

Technique day. Deadlifts. Fuck

I had a slow warm up because nothing felt right. Mostly because nothing was right.

135 x 5
185 x 5
225  x 3
275 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 3
415 x 3
415 x 1 miss. I was to do a bunch of sets at 415 for 3 reps. But I failed on the second set. It was embarrassing. The deadly combination of me being really weak. Me being bad at deadlifting. And, the shitty equipment played a roll in me being terrible. It was mostly me haha

I went right into rack pulls and hit those for 3 sets.

Pull throughs were killer! i  Went heavier than I shold have, but I was pissed at myself.

I need to get better at lifting weights.