Tues, 11 Oct 16

Block 7, Wave 3 - SQ

Well this was a simultaneous kick in the upper and lower erectors.  In the words of one of my clients from back in my personal trainer days, "It burns like gonorrhea!"  Of course, that wasn't until after working my way through squats, which felt fine except that I'm still feeling a little squirrelly about my knee starting in the upper 300s to lower 400s, depending on the day.  This is probably at least partly my own fault - as a full fledged gear whore, I simply need to throw more or better gear on my knee for support until I don't need it anymore.








2x410 - I could tell I was shifting weight off of my left leg so I stopped after a double.

Log Front Squats




5x175 - My last rep here was all biceps trying to stay up in the rack position, but before that it was working quite well to totally fry my erectors throughout most of their length from lower back all the way up to upper.  In short, I love these.

A video posted by Andy Deck (@andydeck) on

DB Split Lunge Jumps/Seated SS Yoke Bar Calf Raise

10ea x 15/20x205

10ea x 20/20x205

10ea x 25/20x205