Tues, 23 Jan 18

Heavy Upper @ ISCF

Finished my last 2 exams today and may or may not have been corn-holed by one of them, but it's over and time to move on to the next challenge, which today was doing some split jerks off boxes with the log.  Last time I did this my right biceps was jacked up from when I hurt it doing hammer throws which might have affected things, but I struggled to hit a single at 270.  This was completely unacceptable so today my only goal was to do better than that atrocity, which I did and then some.

I often have difficulty getting the log into a good rack position when I pick it off boxes versus cleaning it, which is probably because I rarely do overhead off the boxes.  Also, I was having some knee valgus with lighter weights while I was warming up and I realized I had neglected to do the activation drills for hip abductors and hip flexors that I usually do to get them firing better so I did them in between the sets with 230 and 250 and I had less knee valgus with the heavier weight afterward, except on the 3rd rep of each set where I split my off leg forward, which was probably not the best idea for today and which I stopped doing after the set with 250.  The video is 230 on the left versus 250 on the right after doing clamshells and supine marches with the short mini band, and then KB hammer curls thanks to teammate Nate Harvey's elitefts daily movement.

Log Jerks Off Boxes

10x90 - Strict Press

10x90 - Push Press

complex x 140






2x3x260 - No 3rd down set today because things started to get squirrely with my stabilization.

Not too shabby except that I was just barely pressing out my reps at the end with 290 because I couldn't hold the initial lockout from the jerks so I stopped there.  Regardless it was MUCH better than last time I did this.

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DB Rows

10ea x 85

3x15ea x 125

The 3rd set kicked my butt and I had to set it down and rest a second mid way through with lefty.

DB Skull Crushers (Band Around Wrists)/KB Hammer Curls

3x{15x20 + doubled mini/15ea x 25}

No micro mini bands at Iron Strong so I used a mini, but I'm not quite wide enough to keep good tension on it without what feels like weirdly excessive shoulder external rotation.  The video of the KB hammer curls is the first set.  Too bad I wasn't filming the 3rd set when I kept clocking myself in the face with them because I was so fatigued.  Also, these curls wrecked my brachialis, but not my biceps brachii, which is a first for me.  Usually if anything is sore the biceps is sore alone or with everything else, so once again, thank you Nate Harvey!