Finally after what felt like 2 years away from the gym. I got back at it today. Not much. But, wa better than nothing!!

Lat Pull down SSW/ Straight bar curls:
3 sets of 20-15-10 reps. Wow I can't believe the pump I got from using pretty much no weight  was using half the stack on the Lat pull down machine and 40 lbs for the straight bar curls.

Chest supported rows SSW/ bicep machine curls:
3 sets of 10
My lats were busting out by this point. Also, my bicep felt like they were going to explode. The didn't look like it lol.

Seated row SSW/ez bar curls:
3 sets. 10 reps on the seated row and 20 reps on the empty ez bar. I tried to use the pre loaded 50 lbs one. Wasn't happening.


It was great to get back to the gym. I got to see a bunch of my online clients who are all gearing up for the next big meet here in Canada, The RPS Canadian Conflict on Oct 3rd!