A couple of years ago I had a pretty bad mishap with a push-press.
I was doing heavy doubles, and I failed the weight halfway up. Not thinking, I didn't have the safeties up very high and I failed the weight backwards. My hypermobility in my shoulders really saved me from dislocating both my arms (even though that's what my training partner thought had happened, and flipped, haha). However I had bad impingements in both arms following the incident and I couldn't do too much upper body work for a few months. It was very painful and I have had issues with my left shoulder since.
I have always had instability in my shoulders, and since my accident I have been a bit scared of trying presses again. But I sucked it up and decided that I am going to add them in on a regular basis again. My shoulder strength is something that needs work and I need to overcome my fear of failing.
Onward and upward!
Still keeping things relatively light and slowly upping my percentages again.
bar x bunch
95x5 (x3)
bar x 12
55x5 (strict)
75x5 (strict)
85x5 (push)
95x5 (x3) (push)
Chin-ups (gymnastics rings):