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Hellacious weekend at an end. Hard hard week to get through leading up to this, followed by a last minute flight to Vegas and a hell of a turn around. I can't thank my Mom and Dad enough for that one. But that's what family does. And as you can see in the photo, family is not always blood. These two are my brothers, not my clients. I don't need to go on and on about how proud i am of who they are and what they do, because they know. I'd do anything for them and i know the same is true for me. 1st place for @pull_mybeard 2nd place for @_dex_jones_ and the best goddamn people i could know. Also, please, go tell @jenbau1 how beautiful and amazing she is. She cooked me breakfast every day i was there, bought me lunch, supplied me with a steady flow of caffeine, and listened to be all emotional and blubbery lol. @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @underthebar @team_sibya @morphogenben DM me for coaching! #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching

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I'm just so damn proud to know both of these men. THey continually impress me and invigorate me to keep training AND coaching as hard as I fucking can.