These were the first set of videos I ever saw from Elitefts. I had just started powerlifting around 2008/2009 and these videos definitely hooked me. They gave me a spark and a purpose. I knew right then I wanted to become apart of team Elitefts no matter what it took or how hard it was. These videos drove me and gave me so much motivation:

Fast forward two years and I was really making so great headway towards my goals in powerlifting. I wasn't anything in life outside of powerlifting, but my dream of becoming a team member kept my driven and head strong every day. I must have watched this video with goosebumps at least ten times a day when it first came out.

Now I am finally on the team, I've been here for over three years and I am living a dream every day I wake up. Elitefts just released this video, Passion Trumps Everything and I am in it. I was damn near in tears to see myself in one of the very same videos that lit a spark under my ass 6 years ago when I was at ground zero.