Fri, 13 Apr 18


I've got 3 weeks of classes left with some major league practical and written exams coming up so this Friday training day is going to be cut down to some jumps and whatever the weightlifting lift du jour happens to be for the day.  This is because I really like the snatches and cleans and I feel like they are already benefiting my training and I don't like the option of dropping them or  trying to squeeze them in on my primary upper or lower day.  I'll flesh it back out again once I'm finished up with the semester, but for now school gets top billing while I finish up my last semester of classes of PT school.

Box Jumps

5xBW to 30"

5xBW to 36"

5xBW to 37.5"

Power Snatches









I'm only working off of very rough approximations of percentages for this progression so I just bumped up 10% from what I did last time and then when that was easy I worked up a little bit until I started to suck.  My technique was much improved from last time, but both reps were trash on the last set with early arm bend and leaning back and all kinds of stupidity.  Still progress though and I'll take it.