Just found out that my 900 pound squat (and other lifts of mine) was listed in the top 15 (14th) out the top 50 squats put up in the past 10 years for my weight class and division today for The PLW American Powerlifters Best of the Best! It's an honor to make these lists with all the great lifters on them. Now let's see if I can get into the top 10 one day! Thank you to all my Teammates/Team/Family for all their support and help. I can't do it without you all! I listed all my other lifts that have made the best of the best list as well that made it for the past 10 years. Here is everything:
Joey Smith - 42 Years Old - 308 weight class - Full Power Multiply - Masters Division
Squat - 900 pounds - 14th in the last 10 years
Bench - 715 pounds - 16th in the last 10 years
Dead - 650 pounds - 20th in the last 10 years
Total - 2115 pounds - 16th in the last 10 years
Joey Smith - 308 weight class - Bench Press Multiply - Open Division
Bench - 805 pounds - 33rd in the last 10 years
900 pounds squat - Masters Division
715 pounds bench - Masters Division
650 pounds deadlift - Masters Division