After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, and coming off a terrible showing at the XPC Bench Bash, I'm now I can do what's best for my body. I've recently opened up a new training facility, THIRST, so I'm trying to balance life and training the best I can, with hopes that I can compete in some capacity by the end of 2018.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

I decided after my last leg training that I would need some time off, and opted to go with about 10 days off from training my legs. I was starting to feel tired, beat down, and losing motivation to train my legs. That time off was definitely what I needed, as the gym is kicking up a lot in terms of business! Tried to keep things on the lighter side this week, and then we'll slowly start to ramp things up.

Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Tons of PRI Based Stuff

A1) Wtd GHR

B1) Reverse Sled Drags
3x50 yards
B2) Rigged Up Belt Squat

C1) True Squat vs Band
C2) Reverse Alternating Lunges
3x8 per leg

D1) Reverse Hyper
D2) Ab Wheel