Sat, 17 Mar 18 - St. Patrick's Day

Events @ the Unit

Spring break is here and I'm sick.  Not ideal, but the reality is that it's probably the best time I could be sick cause I can rest up and get better and be ready for my last 5 weeks of classes when I go back.  Also because I am sick, I will be deloading next week before moving into my next block of training where 15 and 20 rep sets will be gone, but not forgotten.  I've got a whole list of exercises and variations to implement in the next block or two of my training so I'll be experimenting with some setups for some and just working on technique with others I haven't done in a while this next week.  All my training was moderate today because I didn't want to beat a sick horse when there was literally no point.  That is not to say everything was easy.  I made improvements across the board on everything; I just didn't go for any new world records today.

Circus DB Clean & Press

band warmup

5ea x 115 - Felt good

2x1ea x 115 - This was done just to video check that I was dropping down on my catches and I was.

5ea x 135 - Very happy that doing sets of 10 reps is no longer limited by my prior Gomer Pyle status.

0x155 - Easy weight, but pushed it out to the side and didn't lock it out or hold the almost lock out at all - very pissed off (first video, sound on).

2x7x155 - MUCH better, started with the right arm for the first set and the left arm for the second set.  And apparently somewhere between 115 and 155 I stopped dropping down for the catches, which I didn't realize until I watched the video later.

Farmer's Walk (turn @ 50')

2x100' x 110

2x100' x 220

2x100' x 280 - Video of second run

I did 2 runs for each weight because I wanted to work on turning both ways today.  I still have some lingering weakness in external rotation of my right shoulder coming out of a left turn because that is usually my stronger/better turn direction, but today turning right was definitely easier and faster.  I was still in sloth mode though.

Atlas Stone Shouldering

3x6x200 - Video of 2nd set

All sets were alternating shoulders.  My picks have gotten much smoother and faster since I started training stones most weeks again and I noticed a definite improvement in my ability to express explosiveness for more reps and sets with no significant decline due to fatigue or gasping for air.

Prowler Backward Drags

4x100' x prowler + 250

The first run was butter, but after that things got real miserable real quick and I may or may not have taken advantage of the weather to call a halt after my 4th run when it started raining/sleeting.

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