My former coach, Matt Smith, introduced me to this during meet week. On the Tuesday or Wednesday before a meet, head to the gym to do a light pump workout. Shouldn't take more than 20-30 mins. It helps get some blood flowing throughout your body and loosen your body up from resting for a week. There's a million different ways you can do this, and some don't at all which is fine too. I've found that for the time being, this works best for me.
A. Squats
Bar weight x 20
135x20x2 Sets
B. Hyperextensions
3x20 (bodyweight)
C. Lat Pull Downs (LIGHT)
D. Abs - Rope Pull Down (LIGHT)
When doing these, I use them more to elongate my spine and help stretch out my erectors. I put the rope on my neck and as I pull down, tuck my chin to my chest and round over as much as possible. This feels fantastic on your back and gets plenty of blood to your trunk.