SOOOOO excited to tell all about what has been going on with training. I started training at a new facility just outside of Pittsburgh. It's actually super convenient for me, because I just head out there after work. It looks like I will be training there Tuesday's and Thursday's and then rotating between other gyms on the weekends, depending on where I'm at. I was actually even able to keep the 4 day microcycle for 5th Set as I had been doing before, which was something I was worried I may not be able to keep. It all worked out. Everything has been working out.
I squatted tonight and managed to get lucky and get a wrap job for all 5 sets. I was informed I won't be so lucky next week, and I will have to wrap my own for 4 sets (which should be extremely interesting, but I am eager to learn). I started out a completely new mesocycle for squats with wraps for this prep, and I started off at 310. I basically just went off of my old numbers from training before my meet in April. I did 4x2 and 1x8(ish). I was super impressed with this, because I usually start off my mesocycles really low for squats, like 5 or 6 reps. ANYWAY, the cool stuff.
New Things:
With some really awesome feedback from my teammate I decided to change my training up a little bit. I removed split squats completely and I added pause squats into my training. I think these will be good for me. I have an extremely weak squat without wraps, and I think these will allow me to build strength, especially in my weak areas. Also, I removed reverse hypers, and added glute ham raises. I think anyone who watched me do them was probably laughing. I can only do like 3...correctly. It was funny, but I really think they will help me as well. I'm excited about all of the changes. I'm excited to be training in a new environment and to have some new people I can call on to help me.
YAY for change.
Squats: barx2x8, 105x3, 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 285x1, 310x4x2 & 1x8
Pause Squats: 145x3, 165x3, 195x3, 235x2x3 (i think, who knows)
BB Rows: 115x12 & 180x12
Shrugs: 180x12 & 210x12
Glute Ham Raises: 5x4