The following details my primary leg workout from this past Saturday.  I trained at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  The workout was brutal so you know it had John Meadows’ fingerprints all over it!  Here is the workout…


Lying Leg Curl


Set 1 x 12 reps with 50lbs (warm-up)

Set 2 x 12 reps with 65lbs (warm-up)

Set 3 x 12 rep with 80lbs (warm-up)

Set 4 x 10 reps with 110lbs

Set 5 x 10 reps with 110lbs

Set 6 x 10 reps with 110lbs

Set 7 x 6 reps (eccentric overload) + isohold with 110lbs

Set 8 x 6 reps (eccentric overload) + isohold with 110lbs

Set 9 x 6 reps (eccentric overload) + isohold with 110lbs

Set 10 x 6 reps (eccentric overload) + isohold with 110lbs


*Perform a few warm-up sets and then do 3 sets of 10 reps with perfect form.  Select a weight for these 3 sets whereby you’ll hit the prescribed reps with perhaps 1-2 left in the tank; so stop short of failure.  Then do 4 more sets of 6 reps with short rest breaks whereby your training partner pushes down on the weight during the negative (eccentric overload) followed by a 10 second isohold near the bottom of the rep range.  I alternated working sets with my training partner allowing no rest beyond letting each other complete our set while applying an eccentric overload for each other and counting off the 10 second isohold.


Leg Press


Set 1 x 8 reps with 3 plates/side

Set 2 x 8 reps with 5 plates/side

Set 3 x 8 reps with 6 plates/side

Set 4 x 8 reps with 7 plates/side

Set 5 x 8 reps with 8 plates/side

Set 6 x 8 reps with 9 plates/side


*The key here is to set these up in such a way that you can use the rest-pause technique.  I performed this on a Hammer Strength Leg Press and added a 5lb weight that’s typically used on a plate loaded machine to the bottom-out stop to find the appropriate pause point (see video below).  The idea is to bring the weight down and pause at the bottom for a split second and then drive up.  Continue adding plates on each set until you can barely get 8 reps.


Here is a video of Set 5:




Leg Extension & Hack Squat Superset


I did a couple rounds of feeder/warm-up sets before doing what’s listed below – FYI.


Set 1:

Leg extensions x 10 reps with 255lbs

Immediately followed by…

Hack squats x 10 reps with 3 plates/side


Set 2:

Leg extensions x 20 reps with 205lbs

Immediately followed by…

Hack squats x 10 reps with 3 plates/side


Set 3:

Leg extensions x 50 reps with 135lbs

Immediately followed by…

Hack squats x 30 reps with 2 plates/side


*Nothing special here beside some brutal volume.  On the last set of extensions I had to pause at 25, 35 and 45 reps for a couple seconds before proceeding to 50 reps.  Same thing on the hack squats as I broke the 30 reps into 5 rep increments with pauses.


Walking Lunges


John’s workout ended with the previous superset – FYI.


Set 1 x 25 yards with bodyweight only

Set 2 x 25 yards with bodyweight only


*My quads were ridiculously pumped, but rather than doing static stretches I threw in two sets of walking lunges.  The idea was to take the longest stride possible and pause at the bottom of each lunge to allow for a good stretch of the quad, adductor and hip flexors.


That concluded this primary leg workout.


Train hard!
