The following details my leg workout from last Saturday morning at Gold’s Gym in Kirkland. I was limited on time so I moved at a quick pace, but got a ridiculous pump by the end.  Here is the workout…


Lying Leg Curls


Set 1 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 50lb

Set 2 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 65lbs

Set 3 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 80lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 95lbs

Set 5 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 110lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 125lbs

Set 5 x 6 reps + 6 second isohold with 140lbs -> drop to 65lbs x 16 reps (failure)


*The key here is to perform perfect reps and control the negative.  Perform 6 reps and then do a 6 second isohold near the bottom of the rep range while flexing your hamstrings as hard as possible.  Work up in weight until you barely get 6 reps and then drop the weight and go to failure to extend the set.


Superset: Goblet Squats & Hack Squats


Make sure your heels are elevated on the goblet squats.  Do a few rounds of warm-up before beginning your working sets.


Goblet Squats x 7 reps with 100lbs

Immediately followed by…

Hack Squats x 7 reps with 1 plate/side

Rest 60 seconds and repeat…


*The key on the goblet squats to elevate your heels to emphasize the quadriceps and use a narrow stance.  On the hack squats do the opposite utilizing a high and wide stance.  The key on the hack squats is to not come up all the way to ensure continuous tension.  The weight was light but you’ll do 6 rounds of this superset with 60 second rest breaks.  The cumulative fatigue will begin to kick in by the 3rd round.  Have fun!


Here is a video:




Occluded Leg Extensions


You’ll need a pair of knee wraps like this:


8 sets of 8 reps with 160lbs


*Wrap your upper thigh to restrict blood flow to your quads.  Wrap to about 70% of the tightness you’d use when wrapping your knees.  Knock out 8 reps and then get off the machine and rest for 15 seconds before sitting right back down and going again.  I failed around 6-7 reps on my last two sets.  Do not remove the wraps until all 8 sets have been completed!


Walking Lunges


3 sets of 20 strides (10 each leg) with bodyweight only


*Your quads will feel like jello at this point, but stretch them out with some walking lunges.  Take long strides and pause briefly at the bottom of each.


That concluded this leg workout.


Train hard,
