eat After having a year away from the platform and a terrible showing at the 2018 XPC Bench Bash, I'm gearing back up for a multiply bench only competition, the APF Pressing the Pieces Together on April 27th, 2019. This meet helps bring awareness and charity donations for Autism Awareness. I'm looking to compete at 132lbs and just have a good meet back, while running my new gym, THIRST, and rehabbing my low back issues.

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This Tuesday leg training was a bit tough, but I wanted to try to get everything done prior to working with clients and being busy. I've been implementing the 10x10 method on my box squats and RDL's lately to help build up some light capacity in those movement patterns and build the muscular strength back up via volume slowly over time. My back is actually feeling better, but right now I know I have to keep my focus on my bench only meet. But after that is over, I would like to a take a few down weeks, and then see if I can get back to some free squatting without issues. It's kind of a big "what if" but right now I'm being able to train pain free and use a bar to some extent which is making me mentally happy.

Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Tons of PRI Based Stuff

A1) Seated Leg Curls
Worked up to a hard set of 10, then two drop sets

B1) Spider Bar Box Squats

C1) Single Leg RDL
3x12 per leg

D1) Walking Lunges
3x25 yards

E1) Leg Extensions
E2) Reverse Hyper

F1) Abs
Only had about 5 minutes left, so I did a variety of different exercises with minimal rest