The following details my leg workout from Saturday morning at Kirkland Golds Gym.  I was battling a head and chest cold, but trained nonetheless. Christina joined me and here is the workout…


2-1 Lying Leg Curls


Set 1 x 15 reps with 50lbs (warm-up)

Set 2 x 15 reps with 65lbs (warm-up)

Set 3 x 6 reps (2-1) with 65lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps (2-1) with 65lbs

Set 5 x 6 reps (2-1) with 65lbs

Set 6 x 6 reps (2-1) with 65lbs


*The technique here is to curl the weight with both legs and lower the weight with one using a 4 second eccentric.  Curl again with two legs and lower with the opposite. Continue in this manner until you’ve done 6 reps with each leg.  Perform 4 sets using the 2-1 technique.


Here is a video:




Glute-Hamstring-Focused Giant Set


Ground Base Squats x 6 reps with five 25lb plates

Immediately followed by…

Cambered Bar Wide Grip Stiff-Legged Deadlifts x 6 reps with 145lbs

Immediately followed by…

Dumbbell Narrow Stance Stiff-Legged Deadlifts x 6 reps with 85lbs


*Drive your hips forward and flex your glutes at the top on the ground base squats.  I used a cambered bar on the wide grip stiff-legged deadlifts to help center the weight due to my lower back issues.  Finish with narrow stance stiff-legged deadlifts using dumbbells and your toes elevated. Adjust the weight based on your ability and perform this giant set for 3 rounds.


Here is a video:




Squat-Focused Giant Set


Wide Stance Goblet Squats x 6 reps with 85lbs

Immediately followed by…

Narrow Stance Goblet Squats x 6 reps with 85lbs

Immediately followed by…

Cambered Bar Squats x 6 reps with 135lbs


*Again, adjust the weight based on your abilities.  I can’t go heavy on back squats so the goal was to fatigue my quads before getting to that exercise.  I took a wide, flat foot stance for the first goblet squat variation and then move straight to a narrow stance with my heels elevated using the same weight.  Once those were completed I dropped the dumbbell and finished the giant set with cambered bar squats. Rest just long enough to catch your breath and go again.  Do this giant set for 3 rounds.


Here is a video:




Lunge-Focused Giant Set


Short-Stride Walking Lunge x 8 strides each leg with 35lb dumbbells

Immediately followed by…

Long-Stride Walking Lunge x 8 strides each leg with 35lb dumbbells

Immediately followed by…

Dumbbell Squats x 8 reps with 35lb dumbbells


*Finish off your legs with this nasty combination.  Take short steps on the first 8 lunges with each leg.  Immediately do another 8 lunges with long steps and then hold the dumbbells by your sides and perform 8 squats.  These are flat out cardio. I only did 2 rounds.


That concluded today’s leg workout.


Train hard!
